Dark and Bumpy


Anthurium Luxurians - Future Hybrid Parent Plant


When making new hybrids it’s hard to go past the potential influence of plants like Anthurium Luxurians. Its bullate, it’s dark and its shiny! It’s no wonder this plant is such a sought after species in the rare plant community. Seemingly perfect, improving it might seem a futile endeavour. But we here at Plantska like a challenge, and we are encouraged by the already existing hybrids that contain Luxurians as an ingredient. Anthurium Crystallinum x Luxurians, pictured below, is an outstanding example, arguably matching the beauty of the pure species, with the additional layer of velvet added to the mix.

We were lucky enough to collect some pollen from our mother plant’s previous inflorescence, which are few and far between, and have since pollinated some very interesting suitors.

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Anthurium Crystallinum x Luxurians - a favourite @ Plantska


Seed to Seedling